Invisalign Braces Melbourne
Free suitability appointment and quote!
Invisalign is a cutting edge alternative to traditional braces. Invisalign involves a series of nearly invisible aligners that gradually move your teeth in to the desired position. Each aligner is usually in place for a 2 week period, after which you graduate to a new aligner. Little by little, the teeth will move!
The Invisalign ClinCheck® software is an animated program which shows the series of movements your teeth will go through over the course of the treatment. This enables both patient and dentist be on the same wave-length about what is desired and expected.
Invisalign Must Knows:
- Must be worn 22 hours each day.
- Small tooth coloured blobs called attachments will be bonded on to your teeth.
- You will need to see the dentist every 6-12 weeks for monitoring and aligner delivery. Only 4-6 aligners will be delivered at a time.
The Process:
1. Case Assessment and Discussion
2. An Invisalign consultation and Data gathering (75 mins) to establish your treatment pathway – Includes X-rays, OPG X-ray and photos. Initial moulds and bite registration will also be completed.
3. Clin-check appointment.
4. Delivery of first series of aligners. (30 mins)
5. 6-8 weekly dental appointment for checking and delivery of next series until completion.